I took on the task to then think of something visual to go along with this verse. I threw around a few ideas in my head and decided to play it safe with something that didn't require a whole lot of interpretation. So I picked the idea of doing a celtic looking cross, they are ageless and seem to stay around forever. Thus, the reason why I chose it. God's promises are always there and made concrete in His word, meaning if He says it will happen then it will happen. I chose yellows, golds, greens and purples as the color pallet because they are rich colors and play well together.
So without further ado....sorry for the bad lighting....
This was done with acrylics. You can't really see it in this lighting but I got this really sweet looking gold paint that looks amazing with light reflecting off of it. I used a think brush to do the background. I mixed yellow, orange and white to get the golden rod color. I drew out the cross then painted the green behind it. I really didnt like how that turned out at first but Ingrid sadi it looked cool so I kept going. As I began doing the detail work on the cross, I didn't like how it was looking, the painting in general. I felt too simple and I was having trouble trying to decide what color to use for the lettering. So i added a darker golden color, light purple and accented with gold with a fan brush around the cross to give a cloudy effect. It looked so much better and gave me a larger color pallet to use for the verse. So the verse was done in a dark royal purple that I made by combing blue and purple. I emphasized the "YES" because Trevor, my pastor, wanted me to. I did that in a darker tone of the royal purple and highlighted with a light purple and tipped it with the gold paint. And just so you know writing isn't easy at all in paint. It was prob. one of the more frustrating parts of my work.
If I could change anything about the painting would be the writing....im just not a huge fan of it. But im pretty much pleased with the whole thing. :)
I like it! I have no experience to back this on, but it does seem that writing with paint would be pretty difficult and need alot of practice. Just to get the lettering consistent, style etc. I think it looks great though bella! What did Trevor think?
can I hire you to make a mural in my house one day? =)
I love you!
So....I also have a question, when Ingrid opens her present(s) from me, can you chronicle them each with a picture? I was not able to take pictures of everything when I put it together, and I want to blog it. I would really appreciate it!
yes yes most definitley...perhaps ill blog it for ya!! :)
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