I wore a sweater in the house all day, pacing back and forth waiting for the heavens to burst in welcoming tears. It felt like fall was finally here adn life could finally begin!!! Fall and winter are my favorite seasons. I love fall for its chilly winds and introduction to the holiday season and the colors it brings. Winter brings most of the rain and cold for me, giving reason to bundle up like it was the east coast.

But the sky above disappointed me....she did not shower me in her drizzle. She just graced me by appearing but left without a drop.....sigh
she better not disappoint next time....i want a downpour!! love love love the rain!
Update on the schooling
It so happens that classes are somewhat enjoyable from time-to-time. I annoyed one of my professors and a few of my peers by correcting the professor on her ill grammer. Pure satisfaction! :)
Now and then, I reall ymiss my life back at Biola 1) because i felt like I had a life of my own 2) and mostly because of this i miss my friends. Its quite depressing being here alone and not having them here to cheer me on and be there for me. So post is for my friends at biola! Hannah, Bekah, Tessa, Shannon, Jaimee, Jayne, Kellyn, Nicholle, Christine, Katie, Blakeslee, Kelli, Cindy, Kathy, Aubri (whos in oxford) Kerri, Elizabeth, and Ellie.
It's cloudy and fall-ish here too. I think I counted 4 sprinkles on my walk to the bus stop. i win. =P
NayNay! I love you. and I miss you. a lot. Thanks for this : )
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