SO this week has been...long to say the least i feel like it should freakin next week already..haha I have spent the week somewhat preparing for a presentation that I was gonna give at the command of the professor....it looks like ill be doing it monday for sure. Ive been kinda anxious about that because I never knew when I would be doing it till today after class. And I thank God for it. I dont feel very prepared to give a good presentation about Social Dance.....oo la la
Eek.....i have some allergies right now. I think there is a fire soemwhere. as in like wildfire cuz I ave been smelling it sine my drive home from school tonight.....i dont think ill be sleeping well again tonight.
so seriously whats wrong with me. the last few nights I have been going to bed at around 10 or 11 and i wake up at 8 30....and I feel so unrested and everyone tells me..even people I dont really know... " are you tired? You look so tired.." I cant remember the last time I woke up from a night of slumber and felt rested and awake....its depressing. I mean I love my sleep and all, probably more than food, but theres a point where Im like If im not going to sleep well I dont want to sleep at all but i feel so tired. Its horrible.
I watched Memoirs of a Geisha today. I forgot how good that movie is. It is just soo aesthetically beautiful... i wish I was japanese. no joke. they are just a beautiful and graceful race to me. watch the movie if you havent. Take notice there is some stuff that isnt so honorable in the movie but it isnt raunghy it just gives enough to tell you whats happening. But honestly thought this movie is lovely cinematically. well thats my lil spiel.
well.. time for bed. hopefully the smokey air wont affect my sleep in a bad way cuz I really dont need that. Maybe my pillow with give me peace tonight
ooooo puss puss. (yeah, that looks nasty written, but you know how I say it) Thats a yummy kitty.
Is your allergies really from the fire? Or is it from the sunchichimoomoomoo? ooooo puss puss.
About your presentation... how bout you forget all about the words and just make it a social dance? ooh la la.
have you tried running or something of the like? I've gone running the past few nights and I find that I sleep better when I do.
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