I'm employed now! I'm a barista at a local shop!
I'm super excited. I start tomorrow. Wish me luck!
I've become Super busy within like a day. As features editor of my campus paper, I have stories to edit, assist. editors to track down so they can turn in stories, pages to design and so on and so forth. Also classes have tackled me with tons of work.
Now I actually have work to go work at. It's all come to me so suddenly. No time to ease into into and become accustomed.
So, it the way of life I suppose.
I'm super excited. I start tomorrow. Wish me luck!
I've become Super busy within like a day. As features editor of my campus paper, I have stories to edit, assist. editors to track down so they can turn in stories, pages to design and so on and so forth. Also classes have tackled me with tons of work.
Now I actually have work to go work at. It's all come to me so suddenly. No time to ease into into and become accustomed.
So, it the way of life I suppose.
CONGRATS Bella! that's exciting. Which shop are you working at?
Jazz N' Java. its by the LA fitness by tante bay's. Today was my first day. I think I'm gonna like it there. :)
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