Wednesday, July 22, 2009

What a beautiful morning!


The weather is so awesome today. Its hot, yes. But bearable hot cause there is a smigen of coolness underlying the heat. So nice.

My mom and I cleaned our hummingbird cleaner this morning. It was looking unappetizingly filthy so we cleaned it crystal-clear and made more sugary goodness for them to enjoy.

These little guys must be keeping watch on that feeder cause the second I placed it on our loyal ash tree limb, those little suckers came speeding out of the tree to taste the fresh sweet nectar of sugar cane and agua.

I could waste away hours watching them.

Not only have we been getting pretty humming birds, with their gorgeous shining chest plates of red and purple but larger birds that are black and yellow and are Oh so pretty. I have no idea what kind of birds they are but their really cute.

I heart birds. :)

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