My sister Vanessa from Austin, Tx and her boyfriend Ryan flew out and have been staying with us. My brother Ben drove from Calabasas, my aunt fmor Washington made her way down and my cousin Meryl from Las Vegas came out.
I love having all of the family together.
My uncle and his fiance came as well with her daughter, Bri. And of course, in tow, was baby cousin Brooklyn Nicole who will be able to join in the festivities as soon as she's born in February. It was the first time I saw Kelly since she found out she was pregnant and she's just about ready to have Brooklyn. Just a little bit longer to wait. I'm so excited.
AS we do every year, my family did secret santa and white elephant gifts. We actually, didn't have a typical Christmas this year. We celebrate the 29th instead of the traditional 25th.
Why you ask? My aunt and my cousin from Vegas coudn't make it out till then and because they were a part of the Secret Santa we had to wait for them. I didn't mind at all. It felt like Christmas all the same.
Unfortunately I have no pictures to share....poo. I didn't have my camera on hand. But I found some pictures on the gifts I got.
Ryan was my secret santa and boy did he spoil me.
He got me a Lauren-Vintage Hobo clutch

School started today. I'm taking an online math class for winter session. yay....
ta-ta for now loveys
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