I must say, it was especially special to have Hannah come. I miss my former roomie!! It was a delightful visit. We relaxed, watched plently of christmas movies, and we visited the MIssion Inn's Festival of Lights. It was both of our first times going...she has a better excuse.:) It was incredibly crowded there but that did not taint the beauty and splendor of the Mission Inn. If you haven't seen it during Christmas or any other time of the year for that matter, you are truly missing out on the experience to stare in wonder at this architectural piece of art and history. I was also honored to attend Black Friday with Hannah. Yes, Chanelle waking up before 9 o'clock is something of a myth but Lo' and Behold I went to bed at 12 or so and woke up at 2:30. AMAZING. I was going for the purpose of saying I did it but came home wiht a pair of $5 jeans form Urban Outfitters! haha! I couldnt pass that up considering they were originally $68 jeans! Hannah and I also decided to make scarves figuring it would be easy and super cheap and turns out we were!! Here are the ones I made (2)
Here is the first of the too and It is probably my favorite. One because its a very pretty light blue material that is lightweight and at first touch feels chilled. :) And second because I can wear it with anything! so nifty!
This is the second one. The fabric is nice on this one. Its thicker and designed for the colder weather. thats a close up of the fabric so you can see the detailing on the pattern.
well...thats pretty much all that happened. Besides the fact that I am as sick as a dog right now. Its just a cold. The kind where you're sore all over and you are sensitive to light and feel like your head will explode with the cranial pressure.
Hope Your holiday was swell. Come back soon!
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