It has been ages since I have written.
I have super busy with school, work and life in general.
I am loving my new job! It's chill and I have made good friends with my co-workers. God has blessed me so.
The best part about my job is making drinks. It is a blast and a breeze. It was the most intimidating part when I started.
Next week they'll have me work a shift ALONE. They've had me working with another person but I suppose they feel ready to set me free. I'm nervous but excited.
Hope your Thanksgiving was awesome.
Mine was fantastic! My family and I went to San Diego and spent the holiday with my dad's brother and his family and friends. I was so beat after that day. We left my house at around 6 a.m. Thursday and literally cooked, cleaned and what not till dinner was done at 4 p.m. But so worth the hard work and wait. The traditional Thanksgiving dinner was delectable. Then the dessert spread was outrageous!
Pumpkin pie, Cinnamon apple parfait, carrot cake, chocolate/ walnut cookie bar, and lastly a chocolate flan cake.
I seriously thought I wouldn't eat for a week.
Now that the holiday is over, it's back to reality.
I have two stories to revise, 5 pages to design, a paper to write, and a research paper to revise. Thankfully its not all due monday. but It all needs to be done by wednesday.