Im exhausted! I dont know if its because I havent been going to bed early enough or if Im just not resting restfully. I wish i would sleep blissfully tonight and feel refreshed in the morning.
I have one more day and a week left of winter classes! hi-ya! As much as i have been enjoying my drawing class and breezing by in math, I would love to start spring semester. I am pretty excited for the new lineup. Im taking 17 units! yep yep Ill be keeping busy. Thank God!. Last semester was a total drag and I hated every moment of it but spring will hopping with interesting classes.
Im taking Physical Anthropology, Critical Thinking, Spanish, Math, Class Piano and Pilates. Im realy exited about pilates and piano!
Update on the baby kitty:
She is vivacious and simply delicious! she definitely lives up to her name. My hands burn when I put lotion on them from the open wounds she inflicted on me but she's totally worth it. dont believe me? I think you need to take a gander at the previous post, 'nough said.
Listening to: "Ragged Wood" Fleet Foxes